Sunday, May 23, 2010


I've decided to slow down on my massages. The therapist taught me amazing things but he likes to do traction and I'm not suppose to have traction EVER! I keep telling him I don't want traction and then have to ask him to stop when he does it anyway.

The bones are suppose to fuse. If you start pulling them apart that's contrary to the goal.

The device that's really helped me to stretch my lower back is the lumbar extender.

I keep it on the lowest setting so I don't over stretch my back.

I have lumbar bulges on 4 and 5 and hope to prevent them from herniating. My cervical spine had 3 herniated disks that were too far gone to save.

If I skip my morning stretch on the lumbar extender I pay for it later in the day. The whole spine needs help after spinal surgery. Stretching is key.

Traction and stretching are different things.

My general practitioner tells me the most important thing to do is to relax.

Lynn Hahn

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