Monday, April 5, 2010


Choosing to have a cervical disc fusion is the last resort.

I suffered from a sport injury about twenty years ago. I was left with very little use of my left arm. They wanted me to have surgery back then but I had a small child and my family needed me to work. I declined the surgery.

I worked very hard to get the use of my left arm back. I got most of it back and did pretty well most of the time. I would have pain off and on but I was able to get over it.

In May of 2009 my world changed. I had never done much computer work and found myself in need of "lots" of computer work. I spent way too much time with my head and arm in bad positions.

I woke up one day and all I could do was scream. I was in so much pain. I had to keep my right arm over my head.

I went to several doctors and did physical therapy but nothing worked. My MRI showed 3 of my disc were shot and my neck was off slightly between two of my vertebras.

I struggled for about 6 weeks and my husband finally said, "you NEED to see a neurologist!

He told us he could help me with my neck issue but he couldn't fix damaged nerves...that was his way of saying I was going to have some real damage if I didn't get surgery.

I scheduled an oppontentment for July 27th 2009.

Lynn Hahn

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